Rates Individual sessionsCagayan de Oro CityFor the Cagayan de Oro City area my professional fee is normally between PHP 1,200.00 and PHP 2,200.00. I prefer to propose a fee at the end of a session as I don't know beforehand what the conditions of the session will be and as my teaching is pretty individualized. As I know the public transport in Cagagayan pretty well I normally just commute to clients, so I normally don't charge additionally for transportation. Metro ManilaFor the Metro Manila area my professional fee is PHP 2,000.00 plus PHP 500.00 transportation allowance on weekdays and PHP 2,500.00 plus PHP 500.00 transportation allowance. I decided to set a fixed fee for the Metro Manila area as I need to cover my travel expenses from Cagayan de Oro City to Manila and the cost of my accommodation in Manila. My principle is still to be paid at the end of a session and if a client is not satisfied I may decide to charge a lower fee or nothing, depending on circumstances. In order to be able to visit two clients per day and as I am not familiar with the Manila public transport I am kind of forcet to use taxi. PHP 500.00 per day for transportation in the Manila area is some kind of average from my first trip to Manila and I believe it is fair to charge customers equally, as they don't have influence on the effectiveness of my schedule. DavaoFor Davao I decided a slightly lower rate than Manila as my travel expenses to and from Davao are lower than to Manila and to include something like PHP 250.00 to PHP 500.00 taxi fare. As I am planning shorter trips I decided not to differentiate between weekdays and weekends. Group training sessions
If a person from a family decides to join on the day of training as additional person the rate of PHP 500.00 applies. 'Watchers' can join for free. Each dog needs to be accompanied by at least one person. Rate for children up to twelve years old is PHP 250.00, regardless of time of payment. Reason for charging per person and not per dog is that I normally teach people how to handle dogs. Just to be clear: I don't teach client dogs tricks, I teach people how to deal with their dogs. Individual sessions (original, obsolete)
Why do I state something like that? Well, I guess for two reasons:
So what is the pride thing? Well, of course I hope I am good at what I am doing and I believe I offer a unique service, similar to what Cesar Millan is doing. So I hope that people think my service is worth a lot and pay me accordingly. And the insecurity thing? Well, like I guess every human being I feel somehow insecure, no, not with dogs, but in other matters, yes, especially in matters of work and earnings. So people paying me a lot just boosts my self confidence. It is just that simple. Last, but certainly not the least, I believe want my services being available to everybody, regardless of class or income or financial capacity. So I want to be affordable for everybody and that would even go as far as offering my service for free to people who really can't afford anything. Yes, you may say, but can you give me an indication for the amount I am going to pay? Well, of course I can, but then again, in the end, it is only you who can only decide what the value of my service is. Here are some thoughts though: